Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs

Mayday UK Breakdown

I have been financially impacted as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and am struggling with my payments. What should I do?

If you’re currently having financial difficulties we may be able to help. For example, we can review what cover you need and see if there is a way to reduce the cost of your cover that still ensures it meets your needs.

If it would help to change your payment dates or defer payments for a short period we can look to do that for you. This would mean any deferred payments are spread over the remaining period of your cover.

If your concern relates to:

  • Caravan Cover, please call us on 01342 607 514
  • Motorhome, Campervan or Car insurance please call Devitt Insurance Services on 0345 504 0334
  • Home insurance, please call Devitt Insurance Services on 0345 504 0335
  • Mayday UK Breakdown cover, please call Green Flag on 0800 051 5318
  • Red Pennant European Breakdown and Holiday insurance, please call us on 01342 336 606

I’m about to put my vehicle on the road again. Are Mayday still able to help me if I do suffer a breakdown?

Yes. Green Flag continued to provide 24/7/365 breakdown cover throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic, and have implemented processes to ensure they are working safely and in line with the government guidelines – all of which continues as we move forwards. This may mean slightly different approaches need to be taken in order to get your vehicle and you where you need to be.

Please see the Green Flag COVID-19 blog for more information:

(Please note that this is a generic page for ALL Green Flag customers, but the sections regarding 'What to do if you break down in the UK' and 'Changes to our service when you break down' apply equally to Mayday. And remember, the dedicated Mayday breakdown number - 0800 051 5318 - is still available 24/7/365).

Are you changing your hours or availability for Mayday?

During the Coronavirus outbreak, emergency breakdown calls will remain open on the same number - 0800 051 5318 - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Green Flag will still offer sales and customer administration calls (on the same number) with opening hours as follows:

Monday to Friday: 8am - 9pm

Saturday: 9am - 5pm

Sunday: 10am - 5pm

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