About Caravan and Motorhome Club Classifieds

This is a free service for buying or selling touring related equipment. Discover that unexpected bargain from the 1,000s of items for sale, or sell your unwanted caravan, motorhome, towcar or accessory.

If you're a member you can advertise here free and the Club will take no commission on sales. For a small fee you can have your ad highlighted or have it featured on the Classifieds homepage.

Caravan Club Classifieds is open to anyone to advertise, however Club members' advertisements are flagged.

This area of our website is managed on behalf of the Club by Caravans For Sale (part of the Friday Ad Group). Any ad you place on Caravan and Motorhome Club Classifieds will also automatically appear on the Caravans For Sale website guaranteeing extra exposure.

If you experience any problems with your ad or classifieds account please contact our classifieds support service on 01273 837 518 for private ads and 01273 837 574 for trade ads between Monday and Friday from 9am to 5pm.

As this area of the website is managed by Caravans For Sale, we cannot accept any liability for the adverts or advertisers.

Please note that Caravan and Motorhome Club Classifieds is not linked in any way to The Club magazine classifieds advertising.

If you wish to place an ad in the magazine please call 01342 336 817.

Top questions

How do I place an advert?

You will see a button to place an ad in the top right hand corner, click this button and then just follow the process.

What can I sell on the Caravan and Motorhome Club Classifieds?

You can sell your caravan, motorhome, car or caravanning accessories on the Caravan and Motorhome Club classifieds website.

When I place an advert, can I keep my personal details secure from buyers?

Yes, if you opt for people to contact you by email your email address will still be hidden from the buyer. You can also choose to use a YAC phone number.

How do I manage my classified advert?

You can view, edit, upgrade or delete you adverts online by logging into your account.

Is Classifieds just for Club members?

Whether you are a Caravan and Motorhome Club member, non-member or dealer, you can place an ad with us. Club member's adverts can be identified by a member symbol.

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